Sunday, June 1, 2008

Los Campesinos + Plaza Club = Modular Dancing

My sister and I just got back from seeing Los Campesinos at the Plaza (as the title says!) and I have to say that it was what I expected. They were full of energy and played with lots of gusto and where quite catchy.

If you havent heard of them, you should go and seek some of their songs. It reminded me of being at a really good house party and these guys and gals were playing their hearts out for the people. We Say Party and You say Die opened for them and joined them on stage for the last song of the main set.

It was not a very full club. I would say it had about 150 people there who got to see Los Camp's do their thang. and you got to see mod kids dance to their hearts content... i feel so mod therefore i dance mod!

edit: i forgot the best part of the was the drummer running off stage putting his shirt back on and getting back to the merch table. Now thats rock n roll!

also here is a setlist from another show but looks fairly similar to ours...

  1. broken heartbeats
  2. dont tell me to do the maths
  3. death to los campesinos!
  4. this is how you spell.......
  5. drop it doe eyes
  6. tweexcore
  7. knee deep at atp
  8. my year in lists
  9. frontwards
  10. we are accelarated reader
  11. .....and we exhale
  12. Box Elder (short Pavement cover)
  13. you! me! dancing!
  14. we throw parties
  15. sweet dreams

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