Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A few Things

I havent been blogging as frequently lately. I have been doing a few things lately. I completed the sun run and was hurtin for about three days. i cant believe how much older i feel now. before it would of been one day of hurt and then normal. i was literally paralyzed for three days. amazing! time stops for no one i suppose!!!

a few other things...

1. I decided that I should get a new hockey jersey...

He has always been my fav player but it was time to honour that in proper fashion! Now I too can wear my jersey down Robson street on a hot summers day!

what a prediction? trevor will play next year if there is no vignault.

2. Radiohead - All I Need is a very emotionally striking MUST watch!

3. T set a new record on the Wii. He somehow managed to go 9 for 10 in the homer run derby. He smashed the distance record as well. damn...time to start practicing again...

Finally...they announced that iphone is coming to rogers as well as the nokia n95...which one will do better?


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