Friday, March 21, 2008

Under The Bridge

Yesterday we went to see St. Paul's Cathedral. It was an amazing experience. You cant really explain it. It is something you just have to see for yourself. As a non-secular type of person, I still found it profound and moving and beyond any expectations that I could of ever had. So I could only imagine what it would be like for someone you was Anglican or of any christian faith. If you ever get over here to London, it is the one thing that you should go and see, even if its the only thing.

Okay, so you are wondering what under the bridge means. Well we went to this lounge called, Under the Westway/Westbourne Studios. It is these artist studio/offices that are directly under the freeway out of London.It is if we were to build a building right under the Cambie street bridge. Anyways, amazing place, it was packed yet with lots of space. It inside was...imagine Emily Carr but wider, longer and with bars in place. I dont know if that makes any sense! It was a good place, loads of fun and we even saw some other people from vancouver who now live in london.

pc...till the next adventure!

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