Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cant Sleep, What Else to Do!

Its is in the wee hours of the morning and I cant sleep. Maybe its the turkey waiting, no, more like kicking to get out of my stomach.

I thought that I would check on the status of my blog and came to the realization that I no longer may any attention to it. I should but I dont, so now on I will do my best to be a good friend and nourish this blog back to health once again!

Nucks won their division for the 2nd time in three years...not bad...i bet there are a lot of broken ankles that are healing just in time for the playoffs. Burrows has been pretty clutch for the last little while. Lets hope he can keep it up and watch out for Sundin, its his time to shine.

Got my Pearl Jam ten re-issuse...very please about that. I forgot how awesome that album really is. It hasnt really left my cd player for the last couple of weeks...
Finally got really into the police over the weekend watch Spectacle with Elvis Costello. He was interviewing the Police this past episode and there was some cool insight into the band. Here is their combo performance of 'Watching the Detectives/Walking On the Moon'. Very cool...

This is a clip of how Roxanne came to be and how Sting originally wrote the song

Thats it for now...time to try to sleep so I dont lose it on the students in the mornin' b/c I'm grumpy!!!

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