Monday, August 18, 2008

In The Meantime

I was really amazed that I havent blogged in so long...what has been going on...

- Olympics... are you watching? I was...and was also not worried that we hadnt won a medal until this past weekend. what was the big deal. we were setting all kinds of Canadian records. I really have been enjoying watching the stories as they unfold.

- Usain 'Lightning' Bolt ...dude is really really really superman fast...unreal...he let up and still killed the world record...tiger woods of sprinting...

- radiohead tomorrow night...hopefully no rain...but you never know...

radiohead-how to disappear completely

- i got a bike...its red and because i havent had one since i was 12...i feel like i am 12 when riding it

- the premiership started this past weekend...Arsenal newboy Samir Nasri scored on his debut for the win...good start boys...

- school starts soon...where did the summer go...

- thats really all i can think of right now...

ps...dont complain that its too hot out...soon you will be complaining that there is no sun out at thankful...we suffer all year for this weather, enjoy it with a beard papa!

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