Sunday, August 31, 2008

Stone Temple Pilots and my 1996 flashback

Well to mark the end of summer, a friend of mine and I went to see Stone Temple Pilots last night at GM Place. It was remarkable how much these guys look exactly like they did in 1996. If you took a picture and from then and took one now and put them side by side, you wouldnt know the difference.
I was worried that the band would sound like shit or that they would show up super late. But neither happened so that was really good. It was a rockin show and the people there showed up to show their love for the band.

Overall I liked the show and I heard all the songs I wanted to see. It was obvious that Scott Weiland loves being a rock star. His movement around the stage was straight outta the Mick Jagger playbook. And the bassist ____ Deleo, was staight outta the how to look like a rock star on an arena stage playbook. But with that said, I really enjoyed the show and was glad to at least see them once in my life!

On another starts on the other side of this very summer went fast...i suppose that the weather was telling us its time to go back though!

Set list
  • Big Empty
  • Wicked Garden
  • Big Bang Baby
  • Silvergun Superman
  • Vasoline
  • Lounge Fly
  • Lady Picture Show
  • Sour Girl
  • Creep
  • Redemtion Song (weird jam cover version)
  • Crackerman
  • Plush
  • Interstate Love Song
  • Too Cool Queenie
  • Down
  • Sex Type Thing
  • Sin
  • Dead And Bloated
  • Trippin'On A Hole In A Paper Heart

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

'Rain down on me' - Radiohead in Raincouver

Radiohead played tonight at T-Bird Stadium. This would be the 3rd or 4th time that I have managed to see them play. I have never been disapointed with the show that they put on!

I think that it was the first time that I had ever gone to a sold out show their. It was a very rainy night but that didnt stop the awesomeness. It was a good time and they played loads of songs from pretty much their whole catalog. The light show was great,

the banter was fun and the crowd was pretty into it. the only thing is i wish that i was able to get a radiohead water bottle. sold out quickly! all in all, i am really glad that i made it out to the show, even if we missed the first song trying to get their! If you ever get the chance go!

01. 15 Step (Thom, ‘We brought the weather with us.’)
02. There There (Thom ‘How do you like the rain? It’s ok, you’ll get used to it.’)
03. Morning Bell
04. All I Need
05. Where I End And You Begin (Thom, ‘Alright no one get hurt out there tonight’)
06. Talk Show Host
07. Nude (Thom addresses crowd surfers, ‘Take it easy guys! Its not fucking Rage Against The Machine.’)
08. Arpeggi
09. The National Anthem
10. Bangers And Mash (Thom, ‘This is a nasty little song.’)
11. Faust Arp (during the middle of the song Thom tells a heckler, ‘Shut the fuck up, you’re not funny you just don’t get out much.’)
12. Videotape
13. Karma Police (Thom, ‘I think we are confused. This one is called Karma Police.’)
14. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
15. Just
16. Exit Music [For A Film] (someone yells out I love you Thom. Thom replies whilst singing, I love you too darling.’)
17. Bodysnatchers

Encore 1
18. House of Cards (Thom, ‘During this song you have to snog the person next to you.’)
19. Optimistic (Thom, ‘Ok we know its raining and that’s a bummer, but fuck it this is Optimistic.’)
20. You And Whose Army? (Thom, ‘That’s show business!’)
21. Planet Telex (Thom, ‘Thank you everybody.’)
22. Everything In Its Right Place

Encore 2
23. Reckoner (Thom, ‘Ok, this is for making you feel warm inside.’)
24. 2+2=5
25. Paranoid Android (Thom,’This is the last song and you the viewers get to choose. Idioteque or Paranoid Android?’)

Coldplay Pembi Vid

I got a email from Coldplay today. It said check out our homevid from a little festival that we played in the mountains. Watching the video it brought back so many memories of that little festival called Pemberton...

follow the link and enjoy

Coldplay- Pemberton Home Made Video

Monday, August 18, 2008

In The Meantime

I was really amazed that I havent blogged in so long...what has been going on...

- Olympics... are you watching? I was...and was also not worried that we hadnt won a medal until this past weekend. what was the big deal. we were setting all kinds of Canadian records. I really have been enjoying watching the stories as they unfold.

- Usain 'Lightning' Bolt ...dude is really really really superman fast...unreal...he let up and still killed the world record...tiger woods of sprinting...

- radiohead tomorrow night...hopefully no rain...but you never know...

radiohead-how to disappear completely

- i got a bike...its red and because i havent had one since i was 12...i feel like i am 12 when riding it

- the premiership started this past weekend...Arsenal newboy Samir Nasri scored on his debut for the win...good start boys...

- school starts soon...where did the summer go...

- thats really all i can think of right now...

ps...dont complain that its too hot out...soon you will be complaining that there is no sun out at thankful...we suffer all year for this weather, enjoy it with a beard papa!