Sunday, February 3, 2008

Busta Rhymes and Scooby Doo and 'Vokoun, You Potato Farmer!"

Now, you are probably wondering what Busta and Scooby have in common. Well this is what they have in common. Scooby is a canucks fan, one of over 80 transplanted canucks fans who now reside back east in toronto, montreal and whereever else, who have gone to see a canucks game in miami. this is now a tradition that has seen them go to buffalo, long island and now miami.

So busta and scooby? busta buys scoob a pizza for his awesome costume after clubbing on south beach.

here are some photos of the events.

now if you notice you will see dean murray, jen horton (andres wife) and rich maerov being profiled. it sounded like a pretty wild scene!

also here are some links to the newspaper article

Fan-demonium in Florida
Adam Segal
The Province
03 Feb 2008

We are idiot boyfriends. Brothers. Loyal girlfriends. We are Canuck fans. And yes, we are now officially freakin’ everywhere. Friday we touched down in King Lui’s old stomping grounds — that hockey hotbed of Sunrise, Florida. So you can imagine it was... read more...

The Province
03 Feb 2008

7:40: “Oogie Oogie Oogie” rains down from 108. “Crazy George” lives on in Sunrise. 7:59: We have been standing the entire game. 8:00: One word: Crowdsurfing. At a hockey game. Wig Guy is crowdsurfing. Seriously. What is this, a Thin Lizzy... read more...

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